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Atlas to English Translator

This is for people who don't understand what I'm saying because I have a really weird vocabulary

ong: My way of saying "for real" or agreeing. Sometimes I use it in place of "omg"on jah: Cool or good.booty shit/doodoo water: Bad, horrible.having an autism: When I say I'm having an autism, I really just mean that I'm stimming.mirrorball: This is an Arctic Monkeys reference I'm sorry. It's a reference to their song There'd Better Be A Mirrorballsilly zone: A social media account dedicated to a specific fandom or interest.daily religion: Each day I might focus on a certain person (real or fictional) from the long list of people I simp for. I call it daily religion because of how much I focus on it throughout the day.salad fingers with a wig: Murdoc Niccals from Gorillaz.babygirl: Usually a middle aged man (real or fictional) that I simp for.goosefight: Goodnight.STO: Stop.

If there is another you would like me to add, PLEASE tell me immediately :)